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An Introduction to Google Ads Campaigns

Google processes over 3.5 billion searches per day, with the search engine results page (SERP) displaying paid ads on top of organic results. 

Google Ads is a highly effective way of driving qualified and relevant traffic to your website. It allows brands to position themselves in front of potential customers when they are searching for similar products. 

If you want to outrank your competitors and get more visibility for your business, read on.

How does Google Ads work?

The Google Ads platform helps businesses advertise their products and services through display, product listings, and YouTube video integrations. Google’s advertising platforms work like an auction, although with slight differences. As an advertiser, you can choose the keywords you want the ads to appear with and set a maximum bid you’re willing to pay if a user clicks on your ad. 

Unlike most auctions where the highest bidder wins the prize, the highest bidder doesn’t always get the top spot with Google Ads. Factors such as ad text relevance, the fitness of the keyword to its ad group, and landing page quality determine which advertiser wins the first place. 

What are the benefits of using Google Ads?

Increases brand awareness

Besides boosting traffic, click-through rate, and conversion, Google Ads is also an efficient way of increasing brand awareness. To verify this, Google, along with Ipsos, ran a study across 12 verticals, which found that search ads lift awareness by an average of 6.6%. 

Works faster than SEO

A well-optimized Google Ad works faster than search engine optimization for generating traffic and converting leads. Google Ads allows you to focus on multiple keywords, turn on the campaign whenever you want, and give immediate visibility on top of SERP. 

Lets you reconnect with visitors

75% of people say that paid search ads make it easier to find the information they were looking for on the search engine. With Google Ads, you can catch the attention of online window shoppers searching for a similar product. You can also remind them about your product through display remarketing. 

Provides complete control of the budget

With PPC marketing, you’re in control of the budget. You can constrain your daily budget, maximum bids and monitor the account closely. 

Offers various performance metrics

Analyzing campaigns is essential for creating more responsive future advertisements. Google Ads is a hundred percent measurable and scalable platform that gives you access to information such as:

  • Number of generated leads
  • Amount of traffic from ads
  • Best performing keywords
  • Cost per lead
  • Who clicked the ad

Helps you outrank the competition 

On average, 41% of clicks go to the top 3 paid ads on the SERPs. Ads allow you to climb to the top of SERPs for best-performing keywords. You can create more robust and targeted advertisements that will appear on top of organic results. 

Advertise on Google with Smarter Web

If you want to promote your products and services to the right audience at the right time, investing in Google Ads is a smart decision. Smarter Web is a full-service digital marketing agency that helps business reach their target audience. We also offer SEO, Google Ads, content marketing, and social media marketing services to a wide range of customers. To start your digital marketing journey, call us at (844) 762-7890 or email us at